-reader mail

* Sarcastic Cynicism *

Dear Francis,
I was very shocked by your attitude towards the blessed work of St. Matthew Ministries. You are a very wicked evil boy, but God will forgive you, as he forgives all of us. I will pray for God to forgive you, because even though it is said God forgives everyone, I still need to feel concerned and uppity. I will pray for you, even though I am busy praying for Mom and Dad and the dog and my family and unwed mothers and Walter Cronkite and that kid from the Brady Bunch (the evil one) and for more people to pray for. May the power of the Most Blessed Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour guide you in finding your faith, which while you may not know it, you clearly seek.
Yours in the Most Supreme God,

PS, it should be noted that the entire letter above was sarcastic and cynical. Some of your readers seem to recognize the two about as well as they recognize their ass from a hole in the ground.

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