-reader mail

* Concerned Grandparent *

Dear Francis,
I got one of their mailings just now. Was looking for a site so I could send them an email about them being a bunch of Charlatans.

Yours was the first site I came onto. Sock it to them.

Check this site out for truth also.
Great bunch of guys on this site.

Grandma Ruth

At first, I did not respond--but she sent me another e-mail a couple days later.

I have spent the last hour or so reading over your site. I did not have time when I sent you the first email.

First off I am a grandmother of 8 mother of 4. I have been married 41 years as of Dec. 29th, 2003. I just wanted you to know this so you know who I am.

I hear you about "Christianity", but I prefer to call it "Religiosity." One thing you and others do not understand is that their is a vast difference between Christianity and Religious.

You see Christ never intended that their would be churches...... they are man made. The reason for this is because according to scripture Religion ,which is the Catholic Church , Billy Graham, Mel Gibson(yes, Mel) the St. Matthew's all of them; Oral Roberts that's right all of them would join the politicals such as the Religious Right are doing right now and come after you and me who don't agree with their philosophy. It has happened since time began. Religion always mixing with politics and government. So therefore Jesus, my Jesus, did not and cannot tolerate Churches, Religious Hypocrites. Christ said that there would come a time when "the beast (government) and the woman (the church)" would ride rough shod over everyone....it's here and happening now. They would join forces as never before to rid the you, me; the instigators.

Christ has nothing to do with Churches and the phonies who run them. If you are going to write about "Christians, who are actually the Religious Deity" you need to educate yourself about who they really are. I am a Christian and they are not; and there are many like me who do not participate with these money changers. In fact none of us go to church. It is taboo.

I, too, was also a Catholic. In fact I was in a convent for awhile. Bravo for you that you have discerned that much about Churches. You have a fine mind, but don't get lost in worthless causes. No man can stop what is coming to America and the world. That is why I sent you to this site. http://www.endtimesnetwork.com Please read this site that is all I ask. There is another site also if you do not find these men to your liking. http://www.diakrisis.org This man is highly educated, but can see through government and church atrocities also.

Thank you Francis. I enjoyed your site....don't agree with all of it but I will come back now and again. Drop a line or two if you wish.

I am and always will be a "CONCERNED GRANDPARENT FOR YOUTH."

Hi Ruth,

I appreciate your e-mails and your encouraging comments, as well as the two links you provided.

As far as Religiosity vs. Christianity is concerned, I am well aware that each and every Christian person is unique, and many Christians wish to distinguish themselves from other Christians. This is why I try to avoid generalizing Christians as a people as much as possible. The backlash you see in my poetry and satire is no more than that—frustration with certain groups of people who call themselves ‘Christians.’ For the most part, it is all in good fun. By the way—congratulations on surviving your convent.

More and more, I have been discovering the more liberal, “apologetic,” aspects of what I will loosely term “Christianity,” and while I find some of these aspects appealing, I find others misguided. For example, I have read many apologetic efforts to reconcile Christianity with modern philosophy based on a concrete argument with foundations in Aristotelian logic. Not surprisingly, these misguided efforts have failed miserably, and the logical arguments are generally easily defeated. Personally, I prefer those Christians who resign themselves to religion based on faith rather than a logically outdated framework of “if, then…” statements.

But I digress. I read the two pages you sent me, and they are relatively interesting. It seems that both pages combine the concepts of radical liberalism with evangelical end-times Christianity. It should come as no surprise to you that I prefer the former to the latter. The End Times Network is far too over-the-top for me, as well as a bit inaccessible and hard to read. The second site, Diakrisis, is more succinct, better thought-out, and more carefully documented, but I do not buy into the apocalyptic prognostications of either of the two websites. Nonetheless, I appreciate the links and though I may not agree with how they say it, I do agree with quite a bit of what these two websites say.

Thank you again for your e-mail—I hope to hear from you again some time.

Cheers, Francis.

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