-reader mail

* Say No to Greek Mythology *

It's ironic that you are named after a Patron Saint (although I am not Catholic).
Ever seen the movie, "American HistoryX?" If not, rent it and pay CLOSE attention to the END.
Sarcasm and 'Greek Mythology' will get you no where.
God Bless,

Please notice the angel icon included with the e-mail, clearly intended to instill fear into the deepest, darkest reaches of my filth-encrusted agnostic heart. Also notice the careful use of figurative language and quotations; keep in mind that she is referring to Greek Mythology in strictly an abstract sense.

Very cute, Pamela.

Perhaps if you look a little closer at my “portrait” on the Reader Mail page, you would realize that it was inspired by American History X, which happens to be one of my favorite films. Try to take it with a grain of salt and a bit of humor—I use the tongue-in-cheek American History X reference precisely because I receive e-mails like yours. Some people out there really do think I am some sort of crazy extremist—the portrait is meant merely as an exaggeration of that fact.

As far as your reference to ‘Greek Mythology,’ I fear that I have missed your point. What, exactly, are you referring to?

And what does American History X have to do with sarcasm? Perhaps you should consider watching it another time or two yourself. It has a powerful message, but it targets the ideologies and justifications of hate, not sarcasm. In fact, satire can be a powerful and effective tool against the forces of hatred and dogmatism.

Maybe you should try it some time!

Cheers, Francis.

Pamela geared up and shortly thereafter 'sent' me another 'e-mail' using her 'connection' to the 'Internet.'


You referred to a character from 'Greek Mythology' in one of your emails.

I've seen all I want of American History X. (It is my oldest son's favorite, as well as yours).

It was a good movie, because of it's point, Not the hatred it involved.

Your picture expresses an interest in appearing as Edward Norton was when he was involved in the 'hate' and 'prejudice.'

You seem like a very intelligent person and I thought it would be a shame for someone of your demeanor to become tied into hate and prejudice.

I did appreciate your comments on 'St. Matthew's Churches'. I receive frequent letters from them (asking for money) and feel sure they are nothing more than a 'scam.'

Thanks for your response.

Take care.


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