-reader mail

* Just look at France! *

This little tidbit of correspondence has been sitting in my mail archive since March. I was way too angry to respond to the second e-mail.

From: Paul J. Krusling
Subject: No Subject

You seem like a whiner. I bet your family is real proud of you (probably not). If your un-American, why don't you move to a different country where you think your life will be better. Good luck. I bet you never pack your bags and move out of this country because you know you have it way too good here. Go and be a schlep in a another country, you probably wouldn't have the stamina.

Dearest Paul,

Next time, could you at least try to come up with an original sentence or two, rather than spewing the same tired "go live in another country" garbage I have heard a thousand times?

Let me give you a little lesson in Civics, Paul. You see, this little system of government we call a "democracy" relies on the active participation of its people. That means you, and I, our parents, everyone. That INCLUDES being aware of issues, having opinions on them, and voicing those opinions. If no one expressed a dissenting opinion, we would be left with a government called "fascism." And neither you, nor I, want that.

So if you can't handle the democratic process, perhaps you should move to another country. I hear North Korea is nice this time of year.

Cheers, Francis.

Francis, It wasn't Paul who sent this message. Paul is a bleeding heart liberal, much like you. I'm a conservative. This is a good thing because Paul and I are able to give our children the view on both sides of the issues. If you heard the same garbage over a thousand times about "living in another country" it seems YOU must be spewing the same rhetoric that sounds to others that you are a whiner. Is there anything about this country you like and are proud of? Do you appreciate the people in the armed forces of this country who are willing to defend this country so that you can have the right to bitch? Are you proud of any of your ancestors that lived in this nation and brought you forth in this country to live? My fear as an American mother is that some of our American daughters will breed with the liberals and add more goofballs to the cesspool of liberalism which is really fascism in disguise. Look at France, with their liberal views, students now aren't allowed to wear scarves in public school if they are Muslim. Christians aren't allowed to wear jewelry with the cross, Jews aren't allowed to wear jewelry with the star of David nor the religious yamulka they wear. What rights next will be taken away by the government there? This is only the beginning. This is much like when the Russian revolution occurred. People lost their right to worship and it started with little things at first just like France is implementing now. My daughter is a little anthropologist who likes to learn all kinds of things about different cultures and religions. I have taken her to the services of the Russian Orthodox church in our city since she was interested. The Russians that are here that were born in Russia said this is how it started during the Russian revolution when there ancestors lost their right to worship. They said just right before the iron curtain fell that outsiders thought they were allowed to worship as they pleased, but this was a farce. If they had people visiting from out of the area they were then allowed to go to church so it appeared they could worship as they pleased. But on a regular basis if the people were seen going to church, their bosses could have them fired from their jobs. Only during Xmas and Easter was there a lot of people going without fear because the crowds would be big enough that the workers of the government couldn't notice who all were going to church. Naomi Crusecontrol

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