-reader mail

* The Basis of Christian Cool *

As per a newly proclaimed tradition, this e-mail, and all other vindictive Christian responses, will retain its original formatting, except for a change in font color for the sake of legibility.

By the sound of things you have a real problem , I think no ! Iknow you need to get down on your knees real fast and do
some serious praying for salvation, asking the lord for forgiveness while you still have a chance to save your soul and not
lose your soul and have to spend
eternity in hell. I'll be praying for you, just remember god loves you so much he sent his only son to die on a cross for your sins
and just wants your love in return
In the name of Jesus Christ
a friend Al


“By the sound of things [I] have a real problem”? What, exactly, do you mean by that? If you wouldn’t mind sparing a moment to dismount from your high horse, perhaps you could do me the great service of elaborating on my “problem.” It would be much appreciated if you could offer me just an ounce of your spiritual enlightenment.
Your faithful friend in Eris, goddess of chaos and confusion, Francis.


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